Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale workshops

The basics:


Location:          In school

Keystage:         KS1

Duration:          Half-day

Cost:               £235 for a half-day, £360 for a full day (two classes)

- based on two people working with one class

                       Discounts for multiple bookings - contact me for details.

That History Bloke loves visiting schools - and this time, he has brought a friend!

If you could ask Florence Nightingale a question, what would it be? Would it be about what she did to change hospitals during the Crimean War? Would you ask about the difficulties of becoming respected as a Victorian woman? Perhaps you would like to find out about her early life? Or maybe you just want to ask her about the owl in her apron...

This activity starts with a lovely story, all about the young Miss Nightingale and a feathered friend.

Next, we learn about life in the Victorian Army during the Crimean War.

Next, you class will find themselves helping a Doctor of Scutari Hospital to identify what he is doing wrong: could it be the dirty towels, the lack of beds, or the rat droppings and soaking straw that make his patients get ill?

After that, you can help Florence to turn the hospital from a death trap into a place of healing. Learn how to clean and dress wounds, scrub the floors and wash and fold the sheets. Real medical and domestic artefacts from Victorian times help the changes that Florence made come to life. Empty that bed pan!


Simply contact me (press the orange button!) to make a booking or make further enquiries...

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